Sustainable urban development fostering social inclusion consultation for the European Council on the topic of "Public welfare-oriented and sustainable urban development" (2018)
3D mapping and acquisition tools Acquisition of a quadrocopter with infrared camera, sponsored by Wandelwerk (2017)
WSUD Focus on the principles of Water Sensitive Urban Design for the Oxford-Kaserne, funding by Wandelwerk NRW (2016) more
Raumbilder Research semester on the topic of "Visual Urban Research (2016 / 2017)
Social Design - Bezahlbar. Gut. Wohnen. Conception, preliminary examination and monitoring of the two-stage architectural competition for the Hans Sauer Foundation (2015-2016) more
EDUscape Development of a multimedia teaching concept for the integration of GIS-based instruments into architecture, funded by Wandelwerk NRW (2015)
Affordable living and sustainable prototypes Publication (Affordable Living) and symposium (Affordable and Sustainable Housing) sponsored by the Robert Bosch Foundation (2013-2014)
Acquisition of GIS infrastructure for quantitative urban research, funding by the Investment Fund of Münster University of Applied Sciences (2010)
Joachim Schultz-Granberg: Es kann nicht nur eine geben, Plea for methodical pluralism as a launch of the series Urban Design.Positions, Marlowes 2020 (German)

Mark Kammerbauer, Joachim Schultz-Granberg: Dark Metal in Kiruna – What happens when the lights go out in a mining city? – in Topos 102, 2018 (p.50)

Dömer, Drexler, Schultz-Granberg: Bezahlbar. Gut. Wohnen. Strategies for Affordable Housing, Jovis Publisher, 1st ed. 2016, 2nd ed. 2017, 3rd ed. 2022 (DAM Architectural Book Award 2017)
Klaus Dömer, Hans Drexler, Joachim Schultz-Granberg: Affordable and Sustainable Housing – Architectural, Urban Strategies and Analysing Methodology – peer reviewed in: Petr Hájek, Jan Tywoniak, Antonín Lupísek, Katerina Sojková: CESB16 – Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2016 . Prague : Grada Publishing, a.s. for Czech Technical University in Prague , 2016, S. 716-723

Krautheim, Pasel, Pfeiffer, Schultz-Granberg: Wind and City - Climate as an architectural Instrument, DOM Publishers, Berlin 2014

Dömer, Drexler, Schultz-Granberg: Affordable Living - Housing for Everyone, Jovis 2014
Joachim Schultz-Granberg: Sustainable by Urban Design in: Building the Future - Maßstäbe nachhaltigen Bauens, Jovis, Berlin 2012, Seiten 59-73

Xeritown – Vernacular Principles in: Post-Oil City, The HISTORY of the CITY’s FUTURE, 2011, Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations e.V. (ifa), ARCH+ Journal for Architecture and Urban Planning, S. 32-36
Joachim Schultz-Granberg: Sustainable by Urban Design in: Carlo Quintelli, European City Architecture, Parma: Festival Architettura Edizioni 2011, Pages 56-61

Joachim Schultz-Granberg, Jorg Sieweke: Bausteine für einen Metrozonenplan in: IBA Hamburg, Metropole: Metrozonen, Jovis, Hamburg 2010, Pages 172-180
Stationarea Freiberg in the catalogue: Realstadt - Wünsche als Wirklichkeit Berlin 2010
Scenario’s, Patterns and Prototypes - space as an incubator for knowledge Lecture and workshops at the 6th Consultative Meeting of the University of Nepal, November 2023
L'OSTmoderne Introduction and discussion for the lecture from Elias Schau (Alumni MSA), Max Lingner House, Berlin 2020
Strategies for affordable Housing Lecture at the conference „City – Future – Living: Housing Innovations for Hamburg“ (2019)
The City as Incubator Lecture at the European Council on the topic of "Public welfare-oriented and sustainable urban development" (Lisbon, 2018)
Formal and informal instruments of urban development Keynote LWL Building Culture Symposium „Stadt Planung Kunst“, Münster, 2017
Strategies and patterns of affordable living Lecture at the symposium of the Schader-Stiftung zur Rückkehr der Wohnungsfrage (PDF Reader), Darmstadt, 2017
Strategies for Affordable Living Lecture at the vernissage of the extended exhibition on affordable living in the AIT Architektursalon @ Zentrum Baukultur, Mainz, 2017
Workshops, think tanks and affordable housing Münsterländer Architekten- und Ingenieurverein (MAIV), 2017
Arrival cities and organizational models Lecture, TU Wien 2016
Form follows Ressource - Architecture in times of change Lecture at the Heinze ArchitekTOUR, Dresden + Berlin 2016
Affordability Patterns Lecture at the German Architecture Center (DAZ) at the Y-Table Talk, Berlin 2015
The City as Incubator Lecture at the symposium Home, not Shelter, Berlin 2015
Wind Regime Lecture at the Austrian Pavilion "Team Breathe" at the Expo Milan, 2015
Affordable housing - arrival cities and organisational models Lecture Architektenkammer Hamburg, 2015
Kiosk-O Workshop report of the applied research project on orientation in the city at the German City Marketing Exchange in Kleve, 2014
The city as stage Lecture on public space in Münster at the "Innenstadtforum", Münster 2014
Permanent Incompleteness Vortrag am Harbin Institute of Technology - Shenzhen Graduate School, 2013
Urban Didactics or the Magic of Making Critical Talks: Participation Workshop and launch of the „Next Bangalore“ at the Indo-German Jamboree, Bangalore 2013
Finding & Founding - the Instrument of Mapping in Urban Design WWU Münster, Institute for Geoinformatik (ifgi), 2011
Subkultur - Wer Mehrwert schafft, muss weiterziehen Lecture at the BDA Wechselraum, Stuttgart 2012
Sustainable by Urban Design Lecture at the Festival dell’ Architettura, Parma 2011
Regional Challenges ANCB Aedes Network Campus Berlin: Workshop and Lecture “The City and the Region”, Berlin 2011
Residential Neighbourhood Urban design and landscape competition for a new residential estate (5ha) in Burg, Fehmarn, 2022 (jury chairmanship)
Helmut-Schmidt-University Urban design competition for the transformation of the university campus in Hamburg-Jenfeld, 2022 (jury member)
Berlin Waste Management (BSR) realization competition, Berlin-Südkreuz 2021 (deputy jury member)
EZ-Campus Plus Urban design competition for the Berlin site of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Berlin 2021 (deputy expert jury member)
Creating a sense of community Tendering procedure for residential a neighbourhood, plot D1 (1ha), Oxford-Barracks Münster 2021 (jury chairmanship)
Active Courtyard realization competition residential quarter on plot D2, Oxford-Barracks, Münster 2020 (jury member)
Vision for the Kimmel Quarter High-densitiy mixed-use development, Riga 2021 (jury member)
New Urban Core Tempelhof Urban planning realization competition, Berlin 2019-2020 (jury member)
Collective Living Chairmanship of the tendering procedure for plot A2, Oxford-Barracks Münster 2020
Room with a View Realization competition for a residential neighbourhood, Oxford-Barracks, Münster 2019
Kimmel-Quarter Riga 2018
Wachstum in Kooperation Student competition about living space in the region, Münster 2017
Epple Ideas competition for sustainable and affordable living space Stuttgart Nord 2017
AIT Award 2016 Hamburg 2016
Die Zukunft der Windhorststraße Gutachterverfahren, Münster 2015
Baukulturpreis NRW Westphalian Preis für Baukultur, Münster 2015
Residential Development Arnheimweg realization competition, Münster 2015
Lindenhof Urban planning ideas competition, Berlin-Lichtenberg 2013
Meckmannweg / Schwarzer Kamp Urban planning realization competition, Münster 2011
Baufelder am Mauerpark Urban planning realization competition, Berlin 2011
VdI-Urban Planning and Architecture Competition Kiffe-Areal Münster 2010
Kreative Klasse Ruhr / Ruhr 2010 Urban development area Viehofer Platz, Essen 2010
Tempelhof Airport - integrated Approaches for a new City District IFHP Competition, Berlin 2009
Bezahlbar. Gut. Wohnen. Travelling exhibition about affordable housing supported by AIT. Exhibition stops: HO Berlin @ Make City Berlin (June 2015), AIT Architektursalon Köln (August – September 2015), AIT Architektursalon Hamburg (December 2015 – January 2016), Die Chapel in Heidelberg (June 2016), Zentrum Baukultur Rhineland-Palatinate in Mainz (April – May 2017), Stadthausgalerie Münster (June – July 2018), Zentrum für Baukultur Sachsen (ZfBK) Dresden (July 2018), Tapetenwerk Leipzig (September 2018), ZfBK @ Das Tietz in Chemnitz (October – November 2018), AIT Architektursalon München (March – April 2019), Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf (May – June 2019), Hafenmuseum Bremen (December 2021 – July 2022)
Akademie der Szenarien - drei oder mehr Zukünfte für Barkenberg Exhibition of scenarios as answers to the demographic change of the city of Wulfen-Barkenberg, HausAufgaben 10-20 June 2015
Stadt im Fluss - Münster an der Aa Exhibition of projects for the integration of the river Aa, which is barely perceptible in the city, in Münster (promotion NRW "Ab in die Mitte"), September 2012
Exhibition of the project Bahnofsareal Freiberg and publication in the catalogue of the same name: BMVBS Exhibition Realstadt - Wünsche als Wirklichkeit Berlin in October 2010
Addis Ababa – Hands-on Urbanism Upgrade for an informal settlement in Addis Ababa, International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR-Squat, Prof. Jörg Stollmann), Rotterdam 2009
Tempelhof – next generation Symposium and exhibition on the processual development of the airport Tempelhof for the Long Night of Science, TU Berlin 2009
Dubai Metrozone Exhibition on urban strategies for infrastructural locations along the Dubai Metro, Parallel Cases // IABR @ RDM, Rotterdam 2009
Urban Islands Wanted Pictures of Places in Dubai for the Mobile in the Reception Foyer of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam IABR 2009
Bezahlbar. Gut. Wohnen. Lecture and conception of a symposium for the book presentation, Munich 2016
Zukunft Wohnen Symposium and book presentation on spatial and strategic parameters of affordable housing, concept Symposium and contribution, TU Berlin, January 2015
Climate and Design Symposium on climate-friendly building, contribution to the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam IABR, Rotterdam, May 2014
Climate and Planning Symposium on planning and climate objectives, organisation and contribution, Münster School of Architecture, July 2014
Climate and Adaptation Symposium on the relations of climate-friendly building, adaptation and policy-making, organisation and contribution, Aedes Gallery / ANCB Berlin, July 2014
Affordable & Sustainable Housing International conference with contributions from guests from China, India and Germany, Münster School of Architecture 2013
Muss Münster dichter werden? Podium on the growing city of Münster and strategies for the formation of living space and on new forms of living, conception and moderation, Münster, June 2013